Year End Campaign Announcement
Please Give A Little Something Extra to the
NDSC for the New Year
As we step into the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season, and we prepare for the New Year, the National Down Syndrome Congress is hoping for “A little something extra” from you, our generous donors, for 2020!
This upcoming year is beyond bright – and so many things are NEW. We have 6 new staff members, we have a brand new digital convention registration system, we have new and exciting convention components in the Big Easy, we have already booked new outreach program destinations across the globe, we have a new Gala and Tribute Dinner in Atlanta, a new championship location for our 3rd annual Golf Classic, and wonderful new council members and volunteers!
This year our Year-End Giving is focused on the 2020 New Year for the National Down Syndrome Congress, and we hope that you will not only continue to give but also add “a little something extra”!
Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous happy holiday season, and the happiest New Year!