Programs & Resources

Your Voice, Your Vote

“The vote is the most powerful nonviolent change agent you have in a democratic society. You must use it because it is not guaranteed. You can lose it.” – John Lewis, late U.S. Congressman


“Vote as if your life depended on it… because it does.” – Justin Dart, considered the Father of the American Disabilities Act

Why is voting important?

Voting is so important!  It is your chance to ensure that your voice is heard and how you take part in choosing the people that will run our government. Our government makes laws, decides how money is spent, and much more. Who is chosen to run the government could make a big difference for people with disabilities and their families. The resources below will provide the information you need to cast an informed vote!





WEBINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: “Your Voice, Your Vote- What to Know Before You Cast Your Ballot”  Join NDSC’s Policy & Advocacy Team, along with self-advocate, Connor Long, on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at 2:00 PM EST as we breakdown the November elections and help you make informed decisions.  REGISTER NOW!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I vote?

The Arc has provided this excellent resource with information about how to vote, what your voting rights are, and how to enforce them, as well as questions for candidates. In this guide, explanations of key issues are included in both English and Spanish.

AAPD’s REV UP Campaign works to increase voter registration and engagement by working to eliminate barriers to the polls and voter suppression. They have compiled information about upcoming elections, how to register, your voting rights, and more.

The Autism Self Advocacy Network provides a very informative listing of tools in both Easy Read and Plain Language voting guides (based on different reading levels) with the terminology, state laws, process explanations, and more.

What about early voting? has created a voting calendar listing when early voting begins and ends for each state.  It also provides information to obtain more information about voting in each state.

Who are the candidates in my state, and what are their viewpoints?

BallotReady provides a list of candidates, explanations of their stances to compare viewpoints and make informed decisions when voting. 

Why are registration deadlines important?

Fortune Magazine provides clear explanations of the deadline and early voting rules based on your state in this simple guide.

What are my voting rights?

Nonprofit Vote provides a state by state-specific information on rights at the voting booth. Check to be sure you know your state’s laws.

Other helpful resources

Tuesdays with Liz is a weekly video series highlighting current issues in disability policy. It is hosted by Liz Weintraub, a long-time disability advocate, and produced by AUCD. Below is a list of Tuesdays with Liz videos about voting!