About NDSC

Board Nomination Form

Submissions are due by May 1, 2025

Board Nomination Form

Use this form to complete the NDSC Board of Directors Nomination Form. Please review the Nomination process in its entirety before submitting this form. Board Nomination Process

  • Are you a current member of the NDSC?
    If so, how many years have you been a current member?
  • Have you ever served on an NDSC Committee?
    If so, please indicate which committee(s), years and activities.
  • Are you a family member of a person with Down syndrome?
    If so, please indicate the person’s age and relationship to you.
  • Are you a professional in the field of developmental disabilities?
    If so, please describe the area of specialty and/or attach a resume.
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • Have you ever attended an NDSC Convention?
    If so, which conventions have you attended?
  • Have you served as a member of the Board of Directors of any local/state/regional non-profit organizations serving people with Down syndrome or developmental disabilities?
    If so, please describe your experience.
  • Please describe any other non-profit experience not listed above.
  • Are you a member of a local Down syndrome parent organization?
    If so, please include the name of the organization and describe your involvement.
  • Please provide a written statement that includes Biographical data relevant to potential participation on the NDSC Board of Directors
  • Please provide a personal statement describing your motivation and interest in serving as an NDSC Board member (in general, as well as indicating specific interest areas).
  • Please provide a written description of personal qualities or qualifications that would assist you in your duties as a Board member.
  • Please submit two letters of reference from individuals who can comment on your experience with not-for-profit Boards of Directors and/or on qualities that make you an appropriate candidate for service on a national board.
    You may attach these to your application, or the writers may send them directly to:

    National Down Syndrome Congress
    Attn: Nominating Committee
    Fueled Collective Attn: NDSC 3825 Edwards Road 1st Floor, Suite 103 Cincinnati, OH 45209
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 2 MB.
    • By stating my full name below I acknowledge I have read the Nominating Process Information and understand the conditions under which I agree to have my name placed into consideration with the Nominating Committee. I realize that all expenses of my Board membership are my personal responsibility. I also agree, if elected or appointed, to attend all scheduled Board meetings to the best of my ability.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.