
Join us! Our 53rd Annual NDSC Convention will be held at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, Texas from July 24 – 27, 2025

Registration is open now!


*Note: Link to discounted hotel rates and hotel room blocks will be in your registration confirmation email.

Convention One-Pager

A quick and easy overview of our different conferences and the pricing for each of them

Download One-Pager

Convention Packet – Dallas Details

An in-depth guide to each of our conferences within our overall Convention, the different activities offered, Dallas visitors guide, and FAQ.

Download Dallas Details

Important Registration Information: Convention attendees can receive a discounted group rate at the Hilton Anatole, which is only available to registered attendees. Once you register for the Convention, a link to the hotel room block will be provided to you in your confirmation email. The hotel will not take reservations at the discounted group rate outside of the protected link. Pricing information is available in our Convention one-pager.

Schedule at a Glance

Convention FAQ – Click here
Schedule at a Glance – Click here
Deep Dive Details – Click here
Convention Map – Coming soon
Shuttle Schedule – Coming soon
Overflow Hotel – Coming soon
Off-Site Meal Options and Restaurants – Coming soon
Meal Plan Details – Click here
Visit Dallas
Learn more about the Hilton Anatole – Click here
Convention T-Shirt – Pictured below

Wanna know what the NDSC Convention is all about??
Watch the video below!


Convention Registration 101 - Webinar


Join us for a quick tutorial on our new registration system! Q&A included after the tutorial. This webinar will be recorded and posted to our YouTube account and emailed to all registrants.

Watch the Webinar Zoom Chat Log

Sponsor the 2025 Convention!

Want to Sponsor the 2025 NDSC Convention?

We are so thankful to all of our sponsors for making the NDSC Convention happen year after year! Thanks for all the support!

Download our 2025 Sponsorship Opportunities packet for all sponsorship details.

Questions? Email Executive Director Jim Hudson at jim@ndsccenter.org

Para asistencia en español por favor de mandar un correo electronico a magaly@ndsccenter.org

2025 Sponsorship Packet

Youth & Adult Conference

Our Youth & Adult Conference (Y&A) brings together 300+ individuals with Down syndrome between the ages of 15 – 70+ to build friendships, attend conference sessions, and to have fun! Conference sessions cover topics including self-advocacy, marriage and relationships, job and career pathways, and physical and mental wellness.

Registration Information

Y&A is an option instead of General Convention Registration. Y&A is $200 per attendee.

Agenda at a Glance – Coming soon
Y&A FAQs – Coming soon

Kids Camp

Kids Camp serves a multitude of children between the ages of 6 weeks to 14 years, both with and without Down syndrome. Kids Camp provides a great option for parents who wish to attend workshops while knowing their kids are having a blast in a safe, stimulating environment, overseen by professional educators and therapists. Our Kids Camp team facilitates multiple activities including educational and therapeutic play, arts and crafts, physical movement, board games, entertainment, and more.

Registration Information

Kids Camp is an add-on to a General Convention Registration. Kids Camp is $50 per child, per session.

Session times – Click here
Meet the Counselors – Coming soon
Detailed Schedule – Coming soon

College Fair

Sponsored by:

Saturday, July 26, 2025
10:30 AM to 1:30 PM

Exhibit your college program at the College Fair!

With approximately 3500 in attendance, including approximately 350+ self-advocates attending the Youth & Adult Conference, the NDSC College Fair event perfectly showcases inclusive postsecondary programs for individuals with intellectual disability.
College Fair Exhibitors must be part of an accredited community college, college, or university. The $75 College Fair Exhibitor Fee includes (1) 6-foot draped table, (2) chairs, and up to (4) people to assist with overseeing the booth. 

Download Flyer

Register as a College Fair Exhibitor now! – Click here
College Fair Exhibitor FAQs – Click here


Check out all the colleges and programs at the 2025 College Fair!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Advocacy Training Boot Camp

Advocacy Training Boot Camp (ATBC)

Sponsored by: Microsoft

Whether you are a beginner to advocacy or are an experienced advocate, ATBC is a great opportunity to get the training needed to take your advocacy efforts to the next level. ATBC features information from self-advocates who are making a difference through their personal advocacy efforts, parent advocates, elected officials, and disability policy experts including the NDSC Policy & Advocacy Team. ATBC is designed to empower you with the skills needed to impact policy change.

Friday, July 25

8:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Educators Conference

Educators Conference

At the 2025 NDSC Convention

Sponsored by: Data Center Systems

Our Educators Conference offers practical, research-based strategies that general and special education teachers can immediately implement to support students with intellectual disabilities and Down syndrome.

  • Addressing BEHAVIOR through proven strategies
  • Literacy strategies to facilitate READING DEVELOPMENT
  • Proven practices for INCLUSION
  • Strategies for ACCESS for all
  • Integrating ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE in learning
  • Planning and designing CURRICULUM
  • MEDICAL IMPLICATIONS for the classroom

$150 Registration

Registration includes:

  • Breakfast & Lunch
  • Certificate of attendance
  • 0.6 CEUs (+$30)

Questions? Email Resource Support Associate Kim Owens at kim@ndsccenter.org

Click here to register!

Become an Exhibitor!

Showcase Your Business or Organization at the 2025 Exhibit Hall!

Annually, we bring together more self-advocates attending the Youth & Adult Conference than any other event in the Down syndrome community, and our exhibit hall is where your products and resources will get noticed. The Exhibit Hall showcases a variety of different products, organizations, and services that our community has to offer. Convention attendees will be able to browse all the different booths, collect information and samples, and make important connections.

2025 Exhibitor Packet BECOME AN EXHIBITOR NOW!

For additional questions, email Rhonda@ndsccenter.org

Para asistencia en español por favor de mandar un correo electronico a magaly@ndsccenter.org

All booths are 10′ x 10′ and include (1) 6-foot table with draping, (2) chairs, and (2) name tags for those manning the booth. 

2025 Exhibitor costs:
Premium Exhibitor – $2,500
For-Profit Exhibitor – $800
Non-Profit Exhibitor – $500
Self-Advocate Exhibitor – $125 

Add-on costs:
Additional table – $200
Souvenir Journal ad pricing can be found in the Exhibitors information packet
Wi-Fi and electricity can be purchased separately from your exhibitor registration. There are multiple packages to choose from for both Wi-Fi and electricity to fit your needs.
Wi-Fi packages range from $33.00 to $135.00 daily
Electricity packages range from $127.00 to $212.00 daily  

2025 Exhibit Hall hours:
Thursday, July 24: 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Friday, July 25: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday, July 26: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM

All exhibitors must have someone present at their booth while the exhibit hall is open. 
Premium Exhibitor Selections include 3 General Conference registration passes. All other exhibitors include 1 General Conference pass. Additional General Conference passes can be purchased through your portal after your Exhibitor participation has been approved.

Volunteer for the 2025 Convention!

Volunteer FAQs – Coming soon
Description of Shifts – Coming soon
Sign up to volunteer! – Coming soon


Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group

DSMIG-USA® is a group of health professionals committed to promoting the optimal health care and wellness of individuals with Down syndrome (DS) across the lifespan. Members of this DSMIG-USA are professionals from a variety of disciplines who provide care to individuals with Down syndrome and/or their families. This may include physicians, scientists, psychologists, nurses, genetic counselors, educators, therapists, clinic coordinators, and related health professionals. Members may also include individuals who engage in research or health policy relevant to Down syndrome. Most members work in specialized Down syndrome clinics, at academic institutions, university- and community-based medical centers, or private practice. Students, Residents, Fellows and other Trainees are welcome to join.

DSMIG Website

Keynote Speakers

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Información en español

Registración abre el 11 de marzo

Convention One-Pager

A quick and easy overview of our different conferences and the pricing for each of them

Download One-Pager

Convention Packet – Dallas Details

Coming Soon

Una guía detallada de cada una de nuestras conferencias dentro de nuestra Convención general, las diferentes actividades ofrecidas, la guía para visitantes de Dallas y las preguntas frecuentes.

Información importante sobre la inscripción: Los asistentes a la convención pueden recibir una tarifa grupal con descuento en el Hilton Anatole, que solo está disponible para los asistentes registrados. Una vez que se registre para la Convención, se le proporcionará un enlace al bloque de habitaciones del hotel en su correo electrónico de confirmación. El hotel no aceptará reservas con la tarifa de grupo con descuento fuera del enlace protegido. La información sobre los precios está disponible en nuestra página de la Convención. 


¿Quieres saber de qué se trata la Convención NDSC?
¡Mira el video a continuación!


¡Registración 101 para la convención 2025 – Tutorial gratuito!

¡Únase a nosotros para un tutorial rápido sobre nuestro nuevo sistema de registro! El tutorial se publicará en nuestra cuenta de YouTube.

Presentado por nuestra Coordinadora Multicultural, Magaly Diaz.

Ver el vídeo

More Convention Information

Proximamente -Preguntas frecuentes sobre la convención
Próximamente Programación de un vistazo – Haga clic aquí
Mapa de la convención – Próximamente
Horario del servicio de transporte – Próximamente
Hotel desbordante – Próximamente
Opciones de comidas (incluidas fuera del hotel) – Próximamente
Visita Dallas
Hilton Anatole

Conferencia de Jovenes y Adultos (Y&A)

Nuestra Conferencia de Jóvenes y Adultos (Y&A) reúne a más de 300 personas con síndrome de Down de entre 15 y 70 años o más para entablar amistad, asistir a sesiones de la conferencia y divertirse. Las sesiones de la conferencia cubren temas como la autodefensa, el matrimonio y las relaciones, el camino hacia el trabajo y la carrera profesional, y el bienestar físico y mental. 

Información de registro

Y&A es una opción en lugar de la inscripción a la Convención General. Y&A es de $200 por asistente.

Agenda de un vistazo – Próximamente
Preguntas frecuentes sobre Y&A – Próximamente

Campamento Para Niños

El campamento para niños está destinado a niños de entre 6 semanas y 14 años, tanto con síndrome de Down como sin él. Es una excelente opción para los padres que desean asistir a talleres sabiendo que sus hijos están supervisados ​​por profesionales. Los niños participarán en juegos educativos y terapéuticos, artes y manualidades, movimiento físico, juegos de mesa, entretenimiento y más.

Información de registro

Kids Camp es un complemento a la inscripción para la Convención General. El campamento para niños cuesta $ 50 por niño, por sesión.

Conozca a los Consejeros – Próximamente
Horario Detallado – Próximamente

Volunteer for the 2025 Convention!

Preguntas frecuentes sobre voluntarios – Próximamente
Descripción de los turnos – Próximamente
¡Regístrese para ser voluntario! –Próximamente


DSMIG-USA® es un grupo de profesionales de la salud comprometidos a promover la atención médica óptima y el bienestar de las personas con síndrome de Down (SD) a lo largo de la vida. Los miembros de este DSMIG-USA son profesionales de una variedad de disciplinas que brindan atención a personas con síndrome de Down y / o sus familias. Esto puede incluir médicos, científicos, psicólogos, enfermeras, asesores genéticos, educadores, terapeutas, coordinadores clínicos y profesionales de la salud relacionados. Los miembros también pueden incluir personas que participan en investigaciones o políticas de salud relacionadas con el síndrome de Down. La mayoría de los miembros trabajan en clínicas especializadas en síndrome de Down, en instituciones académicas, centros médicos universitarios y comunitarios, o en consultorios privados. Los estudiantes, residentes, becarios y otros aprendices son bienvenidos a unirse.

DSMIG sitio web

Meet our 2025 Sponsors!

Presenting Sponsor

The Global Down Syndrome Foundation is a public non-profit 501(c)(3) dedicated to significantly improving the lives of people with Down syndrome through Research, Medical Care, Education and Advocacy. Formally established in 2009, GLOBAL’s primary focus is to support the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, the first academic home in the United States committed solely to research and medical care for people with Down syndrome. Since Down syndrome is the least-funded genetic condition in the United States, fundraising and government advocacy to correct the alarming disparity of national funding for people with Down syndrome is a major goal.

The Global Down Syndrome Foundation created and organizes the Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show – the single-largest annual fundraiser benefiting people with Down syndrome. GLOBAL organizes and funds many programs, conferences and grants, including Dare to Play Football Camp with Ed McCaffreyDenver Broncos Cheerleaders Dare to Cheer Camp, and the Global Down Syndrome Foundation Educational Grants.

GLOBAL is an inclusive organization without political or religious affiliation or intention.

GLOBAL’s Website

“Celebrating All” Banquet Sponsor

Daymark Living is a residential community dedicated to helping adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities live a happy, healthy, and independent life.

Daymark Living Webiste

Policy & Advocacy Sponsor

Microsoft was founded in 1975. Our mission is to enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential by creating technology that transforms the way people work, play, and communicate. We develop and market software, services, and hardware devices that deliver new opportunities, greater convenience, and enhanced value to people’s lives. We do business worldwide and have offices in more than 100 countries.

We are committed to create and grow usage of accessible technology, expand skilling and hiring opportunities for people with disabilities, and advocate for policies that advance accessibility as a fundamental right.

Microsoft’s Website

Kids Camp Sponsor

You deserve the best care for your child’s health. At Dr. Noze Best we bring hospital-grade efficiency and safety right to your home with innovative healthcare products developed by a pediatric ENT that support a healthier, happier respiratory system for your baby.

Dr. Noze Best Website

Kids Camp Sponsor

Nobody knows babies and children better than mom and dad, so we asked parents what’s most important when choosing diapers, training pants, and youth pants. We learned that parents want absorbent products that prevent leaks, materials that are soft and gentle on skin, a snug fit at every stage of growth, and a natural fit to increase comfort. Comfees was developed to address these important needs.

We offer traditional diapers, pull-on style training pants in boys and girls designs, and discreet pull-on youth pants for extra protection. Our diapers go as small as size newborn and our largest pull-on youth pant covers kids up to 125+ lbs. We’ve developed our different product types to focus on what’s most important to kids at each stage in life. Our diapers have extra-strength fasteners and are free from harsh chemicals. Our training pants have a wetness indicator and tear-away sides to help with potty training. Our youth pants are extra soft and designed to be worn either at night or discreetly under clothing.

Comfees Website

Friday Night Dance Sponsor

Founded in 1979, the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) empowers individuals with Down syndrome and their families by driving policy change, providing resources, engaging with local communities, and shifting public perceptions. The organization’s work is achieved through three key areas of programming: Resources & Support, Advocacy & Policy, and Community Engagement.

NDSS Website

Saturday Night Dance

Mass Mutual Website

Gold Level

Children’s Health Website

College Fair

Think College Website



Photo Booth

Silver Level

Educators Conference

Silver Level

Bronze Level

Bronze Level

Bronze Level

Bronze Level

Bronze Level

Bronze Level

Bronze Level


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